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This website aims to present the concept of Co-Creation between the physician and the patient and the way it can help in the prevention and treatment of illnesses as well as to help in the awakening of human creative thinking in order for humans and the society to shift into more natural ways of perception & living

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General Medicine – What Is It?

General Medicine is a primary care specialty according to which the General Medicine Practitioner has to treat the patient without hospitalization or if he / she is unable to deal with the patient he/she will refer the patient to the appropriate specialist. 


The General Doctor develops a patient-centered and holistic approach, focused on the individual, his family and his surroundings. He/she aims to establish a personal relationship between the physician and the patient through effective communication. The General Doctor can manage acute and chronic health problems of its patients while at the same time he/she promotes the health and well-being of his/her patient community with appropriate and effective interventions of preventive medicine, occupational medicine and health enhancement initiatives.


MD & PhD - University of Essen, Germany


Preventive medicine driven by the interest and love for the fellow human being 




Co-creation is a process during which two or more parties join forces (physical, mental & psychological) in order to achieve a common goal.

As far as a patient’s and his/her doctor’s common goal of achieving a successful treatment is concerned, they both join their mental, physical and psychological abilities with purpose being to accomplish their aim.

<< Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much >>

Helen Keller

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